Resolution 827
Resolution 827
The title of this publication, Resolution 827, references the UN Security Counsel Resolution that in 1993 established the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). It is the outcome of a collaboration between Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade. Previously taking the form of an exhibition and artist presentations at SMBA and a panel discussion hosted by the Stedelijk Museum’s Public Program, it now finds it result in this publication that brings together various texts by the participating artists, visual documentation of their works and adaptions of the discussions that took place.
This collaboration aims to reflect societal issues that are common demoninators between the former Yugoslavia and the Netherlands. It takes into account that the politics of remembering of the ethnic clashes and atrocities on all sides are different in the newly formed nation states. This multiplicity of causes, consequences and memories shapes the many perspectives that make up the historical framework for reflection of the artists in this publication. The artists act as researchers of the societal processes, while reflecting their own artistic, social and political identities, continuously oscillating between the personal and the political.